Linkedin Customer Service
How helpful Linkedin Customer Service Phone Number
Linkedin is a platform that is used to manage your business and known to provide employment benefits.If you searching for job,you just need to create your account on linkedin and upload your resume so, that recruiter can reach you easily.If you having any issue like password change or facing other related errors,it is good if you connect with group of Linkedin technical support engineers.
Linkedin Information
CEO:Jeff Weiner
Founded: 2002, Mountain View, California, United States
Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California, United States
Linkedin Official Website:
Lists of issues are there that has been resolved by the effort of tech support engineers.Here,you can see the guidelines for the below given specific issue like how to change linkedin account password suggested by linkedin customer service team:-
How to change the linkedin password
- You should first navigate to your LinkedIn home page and tap on “Account” that is at the top right side
- It is required for you to select the “Settings & Privacy” so that you can get the large area which helps you to tune the account settings and privacy.
- There is need to select the center option of the main list i.e “Change password“. You just need to tap on the word “Change” which is present adjacent to the “Change password” title.
- A window will open to you and then,you should enter the current password before you can specify a new one.
- Now, you should type the existing password.After that,begin to type in the new password.
- However,you need to select a new password which should be more complex than LinkedIn suggests.
- As a user, you will get the warning as “Don’t use your name, email or phone”? You should never enter these things for your password
- After the new password will be entered twice,you should assure that that you checked the box next to “Require all devices to sign in with new password“.
Linkedin Customer Service Phone Number
Those who didn’t find these guidelines helpful to them,it is perfect to connect with technical support engineers by using the linkedin customer service phone number.After you use this,there is chance to solve the issue with the help of experts.Technician will take the control of the user’s desktop to understand the actual cause of the issue and to solve them instantly.Not only the above discussed issue but even other possible threats can be resolved quickly.You will be charged if you taking assistance from live experts through a phone call but that can be paid easily.You can even use live chat or email service if you don’t want to contact experts directly over linkedin customer service phone number.
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