how do I change my name on United Airlines
How to change your name in United Airlines flight booking?
Sometimes in hurry, we make little mistakes due to which sometimes we need to face big problems such as booking flight ticket with an incorrect name or with the nickname (short name). If the name on your ticket does not match with the name appears on you photo ID you are showing at the heck in time you will not be allowed to board the flight.</>
If you are in the same situation and wondering about, how do I change my name on United Airlines? Don’t worry about it now, you are reading the right information.
Other scenarios are changing the last name after the marriage or name change due to religion change etc. you will be allowed to change the name but you have to provide the documents in order to prove the situation.
If you want to change the name on the ticket you need to contact the United Airlines customer service by dialling their toll free number and ask about your concern and they will start helping you out right away or you can request for the name change online through the website of the United Airlines under the manage booking option.
In order to get the name change on United Airlines tickets you need to follow the given conditions:
- Every ticket is a non-transferrable ticket. You cannot change the complete name on the ticket for the booking of another person.
- If there is a spelling mistake in the ticket you can correct it by contacting the customer service or online through the website.
- If you have booked the flight using your nickname (Short name) you can request to change the name through customer service or online system.
- you want to change the last name due to marriage Etc. you need to provide the documents as a proof for the name change at the Airport and you can request for the last name change through the customer service.
- Changing the prefix such as Jr. to Sr. or vice versa is not allowed.
Following the conditions mentioned above, you will be able to change the name on your ticket without charge. If next time someone asks you how do I change my name on United Airlines, you can help him/her as well.
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